How to Write a Spotify Pitch: Crafting a Compelling Proposal

Write Spotify pitch

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To properly compose a compelling justification and write a cool birch, you will need a great deal of experience. You must treat it as a commercial proposal that will capture the curators’ attention. Some of the most effective methods include:

  • analyzing the target audience;
  • playlist research;
  • unique positioning;
  • correct metadata design.

Thanks to all this, you can maximize the efficiency of sending your pitch and waiting for approval. The material tells you how to approach such work correctly and what benefits you can get if the application is approved.

Preparing to Pitch

To prepare for pitching competently, you’ll need to do some work and optimize your track. Here are a few important factors you should be sure to consider:

  • сreating quality content. You need to first make sure that your track has a high quality recording. The music should be prepared;
  • spotify analytics. Try using analytics to understand better your audience demographics and the most likely playlists to add;
  • social media optimization. Before submitting, try to update your social media and website. Curators can study your activity.

With these things in place, you can properly prepare your music for submission. It can also increase your chances of approval and successful song promotion.

Components of a Successful Spotify Pitch

It is important to consider the most significant components that must necessarily be present in your justification. A few of the most important components can be emphasized:

  • clear positioning. Determine what genres and sub-genres your track falls into;
  • creative description. Write a short but memorable description. You can describe the inspiration and story behind the creation;
  • playlist relevance. It’s best to explain in detail why your track is a good fit for your target playlists;
  • compelling story. You need to tell about the music project, including fan feedback and even successful performances, if any.

Go through your pitch and track to ensure all components are followed and described correctly. This greatly increases an artist’s chances of successfully getting their application approved and earning their spot on the playlist.

Writing the Pitch

You also need to learn how to write pitches correctly so that your tracks are more likely to end up on playlists. In this regard, curators can look at many details you must consider. Here are some helpful guidelines:

  • text template. It is easiest to use a special template so that the text is structured;
  • customization. Be sure to tailor the pitch to a specific playlist so that it is relevant to the target audience;
  • logical structure. Divide your pitch into parts from introduction and description to rationale and conclusion. This will make it easier for supervisors;
  • revision and editing. Reread your text and edit it if necessary.

Approach this task with the same responsibility as when writing a thesis or term paper. All the same, if approved, your chances of gaining a new active audience will increase significantly.

Do’s and Don’ts of Spotify Pitching

There are some of the most important benefits and features to consider when choosing this promotional strategy. Here are the key benefits and best practices you need to consider:

  • access to a large audience. Pitching can often expand your audience and expose your music to new people;
  • social validation. Through this, you can improve your musical reputation;
  • long-term benefits. Over time, you can increase your auditions and monetize even more.

At the same time, you can’t forget about the disadvantages that are also present in such a strategy:

  • competition. It’s hard enough to get your spot on a playlist;
  • opacity. Specific criteria are not specified, which means you have to do everything intuitively;
  • unpredictability. You can’t guarantee that your track will make it to the playlist.

Many young artists see more advantages than disadvantages in such a chance. The main problems can arise from a lack of information, bad metadata, or ignoring your analytics. Therefore, it is recommended that you create a solid strategy in advance and engage in track promotion. Also, don’t forget to update your content regularly.

Following Up After the Pitch

To make it even easier for you to go through all the steps of submitting your application, our experts have put together little strategies in case a pitch is accepted or rejected. This will allow you to immediately start further work and not put off your promotion and success.

If Your Pitch Is Accepted

In this case, you will receive a notification and can see your track in the playlist. We recommend that you follow a few useful tips that may help you:

  • letter of thanks. Try writing a short letter to the mentor to show your appreciation for his or her decision;
  • strengthening your promotion. Be sure to share your success on social media, this will strengthen your promotion;
  • mentor support. Continue to engage with curators even after adding the track, this will improve your connections and reputation;
  • data analysis. Be sure to analyze your track’s performance to make it easier to get through the pitching stage in the future.

With all these, you can maximize your position and increase audience engagement with your creative. You can’t miss the moment many new listeners can see your art on their playlists.

If Your Pitch Is Rejected

At the same time, failure should not lead to frustration because it is only one step on the long road to success. Don’t be sad, and try following a few simple steps that will help you:

  • analyze your mistakes. First of all, you should re-read your pitch and find places that could be improved. Only then will you be able to pitch more competently in the future and with a higher chance of success;
  • track improvement. You need to ensure that the recording and mastering quality is top notch. The track should be ready to be placed on popular playlists;
  • adjust your strategies. Try to reconsider your target playlists. Perhaps there are more favorable options where your tracks will look more appropriate. Sometimes, this can get you through pitching faster;
  • expand your track’s promotion. If you have the opportunity, it’s worth increasing your promotion and expanding into new communication channels. By doing this, you’ll be able to get feedback from fans and improve the sound or other aspects of your music.

By conducting a detailed failure study, you can develop better strategies that will help you succeed in the bottom line. Therefore, it is recommended that you restart as soon as possible and apply again when you have worked on your music.


As a conclusion of our material, we recommend you start using the recommendations and tips from experts given here right now. The process of pitching tracks is extremely complex and requires specific skills and experience. Over time, it will become easier for you to find the right justifications and keep in touch with the curator, so you should be successful in this process by now.

We recommend you start using Music Alligator’s useful tools as soon as possible and finally realize your dream of having many listeners!

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